Thursday, April 30, 2009

PJ's at school?

Tomorrow the students and teachers in kinder and first grade get to wear their PJ's to school. We are "Camping Out!" and reading books! Due to the TAKS testing this week, the children have not been able to participate in specials daily. (PE/ART/MUSIC etc) Therefore, the children are rewarded with a fun day in PJ's. When I was asking and reminding students about PJ day, one of my students asked me if I was going to wear my Pj's..."Of coarse!" When they found this out, one of my students replied, "My mom says that her PJ's are inappropriate for school." I just smiled and looked away. It's amazing what little ears hear!!!!


  1. That is too funny. In the fourth and fifth grade, we actually had to discuss appropriate pj and inappropriate pj's for them to wear to school.

  2. Oh my gosh....If parents only knew what their kids share...

  3. I miss teaching elementary...I wanna wear my PJ's to school! We had a Polar Express Day when I taught elementary a couple of years ago. It was a blast! We all dressed in PJ's, sang the songs from the movie, and at the end of the day the PTA played the hot chocolate song and brought hot chocolate to all the classrooms. Fun times!

  4. how funny! I think I might look at that parent a little differently now. :)
